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2023 Update

July 17, 2023

The City has just published the City Council meeting agenda for Tuesday night (7/18).

The NEW report For the Housing Mandate and work of the Resident Housing Group is on this agenda.

The outcome from the effort of our Planning Department and the Working Group’s (15 residents across our city) recommended plan for the Housing Element is now available for all to review and see.



 The 2nd link contains 278 pages detailing a game plan to reach the 2415 State Mandate Dwellings

 Hours and hours were consumed in conversation and negotiation to protect each YL neighborhood.

 You will see that a large concentration of homes and retail is planned for the Savi Ranch area, also keeping in mind traffic congestion and safety will be addressed.

We want to:

  1. Avoid the possibility that the State finds any excuse to take over our zoning regulations and apply the ridiculous law known to all as “Builder’s Remedy”.
  2. Acknowledge that the City does not build homes, just zones the property.

Some Highlights of the New plan:

  • Richfield Xmas Tree Farm site went from 340 units to 75 units.
  • Fairmont site went from 230 units to 30 units.
  • Bryant Ranch went from 320 units to 78 units.
  • Highland Ave site (S3205A) and Eureka site (S3-034) went back to their current zoning.
  • Savi ranch will have 800 units with a plan to create a residential and mixed-use Downtown-like space for Yorba Linda.
  • Other sites were removed completely, and others were added using their current zoning numbers.

Nobody got all that they wanted but most agreed that this was a more equitable sharing of density numbers and the opportunity to revitalize a slowing dying area of Savi Ranch.

So, at this moment, we ask the following:

  1.   Please take the time to review the attachments.
  2.   Please forward to all your Neighbors and YL friends
  3.   Have neighborhood meetings to discuss.
  4.   Please considering joining us next Tuesday at the City Council Meeting
  5.   Please also support and consider contributing to Our Neighborhoods Voices and Catalyst. Two groups are taking the battle to Sacramento .

We need to send a message to our YLCC that we are concerned that our Mayor and City Council must make responsible decisions that protect our homes and families.

Words from our neighbors.

I want to personally thank those who put forth all the time and effort to keep our neighborhood informed and updated on the rezoning. It is because of your continued efforts and direction that we succeeded in changing the course of what would have been a devastating impact on our wonderful neighborhood that we love. Thank you so much! This win was possible because of you.

- A Neighbor

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