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Traffic Reports
Flyer - Traffic Impact Analysis
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View the Consolidated Report (74 pages – Grandview and Ohio Sites)
View the Full Report (859 pages – all sites)
View the Full Report (859 pages – all sites)
What does an LOS of F mean?
For signalized intersections: Operation with delays unacceptable to most drivers occurring due to over saturation, poor progression, or very long cycle lengths.
For unsignalized intersections: Extreme traffic delays with intersection capacity exceeded.
Traffic Report Notes:
- Traffic was studied between 7AM-9AM and 4PM-6PM. A 24-hour study was not done.
The closest studied intersections to the Grandview and Ohio Sites are:
- Lakeview Av. & Buena Vista Av. – Rated F (LOS)
- Kellogg Dr. & Imperial Highway – Rated F (LOS)
Comments / Concerns:
- The Lakeview & Buena Vista Av. intersection is already at a Level of Service(LOS) of F according to the Traffic Analysis Report, even without additional project traffic.
- The Kellogg Dr. & Imperial Highway intersection is already at a Level of Service(LOS) of F according to the Traffic Analysis Report, even without additional project traffic.
- The Imperial Hwy. & Yorba Linda intersection under Horizon Year Conditions was rated a LOS of D and would worsen to an E with project traffic conditions.
- The wrong Ohio St. was studied. (Ohio & Yorba Linda is over a mile away from the proposed site and not a common route)
- The Kellogg Dr. and Grandview Av. Intersection was not studied.
- The Buena Vista Av. and Ohio St. Intersection was not studied.
- Removing the 4-way stop and adding a traffic signal at Buena Vista and Lakeview would endanger the horse traffic near the Equestrian Center.
- Adding a traffic signal at Kellogg Dr. and Imperial Hwy EB will not solve the traffic issue as there are already 2 traffic signals there.
- A Neighbor