Draft PEIR Released.
The City of Yorba Linda has released a Draft Program Environmental Impact Report (Draft PEIR) for the 2021-2029 Yorba Linda General Plan Housing Element Implementation Programs Project. As part of this transparent process, the public is invited to review and comment on the draft report for a 45-day period from June 1 to July 15, 2022.
The City requests your environmental comments on the Draft PEIR for consideration by the Planning Commission at future public hearings. The Housing Element of the General Plan is a State-mandated policy document that identifies Yorba Linda’s existing and future housing needs and establishes clear goals to inform future housing decisions. A key component of the Housing Element is to provide sufficient zoning capacity for meeting the State-mandated Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) over the next eight years. To stay informed and learn more about this important project, please visit the City’s Housing Element website at www.ylhousingelementupdate.com. Also, please check back frequently for additional information and updates.
- A Neighbor