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Housing Element Update

September 7, 2022

On August 2, 2022, Yorba Linda City Council adopted resolutions certifying the Final Program EIR for the 2021-2029 Housing Element Implementation Programs and a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP), as well as conducted the first reading of ordinances related to the Housing Element Implementation Programs. The City Council also voted to proceed with a ballot measure (i.e., Measure Z) on General Plan and Zoning Code amendments on November 8, 2022 related to 19 sites identified in the Housing Element and removed or deferred action on the 8 sites listed below:


·         Site S4-060: 5541 South Ohio Street 

·         Site S4-201: 5531 South Ohio Street 

·         Site S4-053: SW corner of Kellogg Drive and Grandview Avenue

·         Site S7-005: NE corner of Camino de Bryant and Meadow Land Drive


 Deferred Action

·         Site S7-001: Bryant Ranch Shopping Center

·         Site S3-082: 4791 and 4811 Eureka Avenue

·         Site S3-207: 5300-5392 Richfield Road

·         Site S5-008: Fairmont Boulevard

This action allows the City to comply with the timeline within its certified Housing Element while remaining eligible for a time extension allowed by State law. The City intends to use this additional time to solicit more community input on additional sites that could be added to the Housing Sites Inventory to reduce the number of units assigned to the deferred sites.

On August 9, 2022, the Yorba Linda City Council conducted the second reading of ordinances related to the Housing Element Implementation Programs, and approved actions related to a citywide vote (i.e., Measure Z) on amendments to the City’s General Plan and Zoning requirements for 19 separate sites.  These approval actions and an affirmative Measure Z vote by the Yorba Linda electorate would effectuate rezoning of 19 of the total 27 housing opportunity sites contained in the City’s certified 2021-2029 Housing Element.  Whether development of housing on these 19 sites occurs in the future would be 100% up to the property owner and private market forces to determine.  The City’s only obligation under State law is to provide additional housing capacity through rezoning.

Next Steps…

The Orange County Register of Voters will mail election ballots to all registered voters in Yorba Linda beginning on October 10, 2022.

General election and Measure Z vote held on Tuesday, November 8, 2022

What is Measure Z?

·     The Yorba Linda Right-To-Vote Amendment (RTVA) is a citizen sponsored, voter-approved initiative, incorporated within the City’s Municipal Code. The Right-To-Vote Amendment was passed by the electorate of Yorba Linda in 2006 (it appeared on the ballot as Measure B at that time). The RTVA requires citywide elections for the approval of certain “Major Amendments” to the City’s Planning Policy Documents (including the zoning code and map).

·     On August 9, 2022, the City Council directed staff to place a ballot measure on the November 8, 2022, General Election to rezone 19 opportunity sites identified in the 2021-2029 Housing Element, pursuant to the RTVA.  The Orange County Registrar of Voters has assigned the letter designation “Z” to the upcoming ballot measure (i.e., Measure Z).

How does Measure Z impact potential sites in the City’s Housing Element?

·     Although Yorba Linda can accommodate some of the State-mandated housing units (i.e., required additional housing capacity) on property already designated for homes, the City needs to rezone additional sites to accommodate the additional unmet housing capacity needed to meet State requirements.

·     Measure Z applies to the 19 Housing Element opportunity sites proposed for rezoning as part of the general election. 

·     The Measure Z vote will not authorize construction on any of the opportunity sites. When/If specific residential developments are proposed by property owners in the future, they will require public review and approval to ensure that Yorba Linda’s established expectations of high quality design are met.

Measure Z facts:

For the most up to date information and facts on the Housing Element and Measure Z, we encourage you to review the City’s website: https://www.ylhousingelementupdate.com/.

Words from our neighbors.

We wanted to say thank you so very much for being involved and proactive with all this! We've all benefitted from your hard work, and it is very much appreciated.

- A Neighbor

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