Where we are now.
A final decision has not been made and is expected to happen on August 2nd.
A new update has been released. View the July 29 update.
On June 23rd, a Traffic Commission Meeting was held where the Traffic Impact Analysis report was discussed. Based on the Traffic Impact Analysis report released by the City, the two closest intersections to the Grandview and Ohio St. sites are currently operating at an unacceptable Level of Service(LOS).
The Kellogg & Imperial intersection received an LOS rating of F. The Buena Vista & Lakeview intersection also received a LOS rating of F. This is without additional project traffic and as things are now. Both intersections received the worst ratings possible on the LOS scale.
After this meeting, based on the Traffic Study and public comments that were made, the Traffic Commission recommended to the Planning Commission to further review the Grandview and Ohio St. sites. They also made additional comments which are included in-depth, lower on this page.
On June 29th, a Planning Commission Meeting was held and concluded with the Planning Commission recommending to City Council that the Grandview and Ohio St. sites be removed from the Residential Sites Inventory.
- The Traffic and Planning Commissions do not make the final decision.
- These commissions simply make recommendations to the City Council.
- The final decision is made by our City Council.
- A decision is expected to be made by City Council on August 2nd, 2022.
Timeline of Events in Detail.
May 2022 – When we became aware.
The City released a Notice of Preparation for a Draft Program Environmental Impact Report (PEIR), which was made available for 30 days, and concluded on May 30, 2022. A public scoping meeting was conducted on May 23, 2022, at which approximately 50 residents attended and provided public comments.
Several comments were made during the public scoping period and PEIR scoping meeting on May 23, 2022, expressing concerns regarding housing opportunity sites S4-053, S4-201, S4-060, S5-008 in relation to traffic, traffic near an elementary school, and pedestrian safety due to the increase in traffic.
Source: Page 11 in Staff Report
June 1, 2022 – Draft PEIR was released.
The City released the draft PEIR for a 45-day public review period, which will end on July 15, 2022. At the end of the public review period, the City will prepare a written response to all comments received.
Since the release of the draft PEIR, the City has continued to receive a large number of public comments related to housing opportunity sites S4-053, S4-201, and S4-060, within the Grandview Avenue/South Ohio Street neighborhood, in regards to traffic, traffic near Linda Vista elementary school, and pedestrian safety due to increase in traffic in a “semirural” neighborhood without formal improvements (i.e., no sidewalks, curbs or gutters), and which has two schools in proximity to the referenced housing opportunity sites. On June 7, 2022, a large number of public speakers addressed the City Council during public comments and cited these same concerns related to these sites.
Source: Page 12 in Staff Report
June 23, 2022 – Traffic Commission Meeting was held.
On June 23, 2022, the Traffic Commission discussed the traffic-related impacts from the proposed General Plan Amendments and Zoning Code Amendments associated with the implementation of the 2021-2029 Housing Element.
Based on the staff presentation and public comments, the Traffic Commission provided the following recommendations for the Planning Commission to take into consideration:
- To further review Sites S4-060 and S4-201 at South Ohio Street/Buena Vista due to the already impacted school traffic and safety concerns;
- To further review Site S4-053 at Grandview Avenue/Kellogg Drive due to the existing issues with the flow of traffic during the peak hours;
Traffic Commission Staff provided the following additional information:
Sites S4-060, S4-201, and S4-053
- The Draft Program Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) Traffic Impact Analysis identified the Kellogg Dr/Imperial Highway Eastbound Ramps as currently operating under existing conditions at Level-of-Service (LOS) “F” during both the AM and PM peak hours, which is the worst service level on the LOS scale, and is inconsistent with the City’s minimum standard of LOS “D.” Since this intersection was presumed to be located within the City of Anaheim, it has not been identified on the City’s Capital Improvement Program (CIP). Improving the LOS at this location will require coordination with Anaheim and CalTrans. This may be achievable, but the timetable for improving this intersection presently is unknown. To add additional traffic to this area, therefore, would exacerbate this existing and projected unfavorable traffic condition.
- The Traffic Impact Analysis also demonstrates that the Lakeview Ave/Buena Vista Ave intersection is operating at LOS “F” in the AM peak and LOS “E” in the PM peak; however, by 2045, it is anticipated that both peak hours will operate at LOS “F” with or without the proposed project. This could be mitigated to an appropriate LOS through the installation of a traffic signal, or other alternative intersection control. Concerns from the neighbors in the vicinity of these sites centered on the semi-rural make-up of the area, noting that the streets are narrow and do not have curb, gutter, sidewalks, or street lights. This presents additional concerns since there are two schools in the area (Linda Vista Elementary School and Esperanza High School). In addition, as an equestrian use, horses are common along the streets within the area, and typically ride in the street.
- Ohio Street sites (Site S4-060 and S4-201) are located immediately across the street from Linda Vista Elementary School. Due to the cul-de-sac at its southernly terminus, school traffic must egress by the same route that it entered. This essentially doubles the traffic congestion in the immediate area during school drop-off and pick-up. Additionally, due to limited drop-off and pick-up queuing capacity on the school site, vehicles entering the school site queue onto Ohio Street, which hinders the ability of unrelated traffic to ingress/egress the area. To add additional traffic to this area would exacerbate this existing unfavorable condition.
Source: Pages 2-3 in 6_29_2022 Addendum.pdf
To view the Traffic Impact Analysis report, click here.
June 29, 2022 – Planning Commission Meeting was held.
Planning Commission Recommendation: On June 29, 2022, the Planning Commission held a public hearing and recommended that the City Council adopt the various zoning code amendments, zone changes, and General Plan amendments necessary to effectuate the residential density levels for twenty-three (23) of the twenty-seven (27) Housing Element opportunity sites contained in the adopted 2021-2029 Housing Element, with the removal of Sites S4-201, S4-060, S4-053 and S7-005 from the Residential Sites Inventory.
Source: City Council Public Hearing Notice
What’s Next?
July 27, 2022 – The City will be responding to all comments received within the 45-day DPIER public review period, ending on July 15. Responses to all comments will be presented to the Planning Commission on July 27, 2022, at 6:30pm in the City Council Chambers for a recommendation to the City Council.
August 2, 2022 – City Council Public Hearing on Housing Element Project and Final Program EIR (A final decision is expected at this hearing)
August 9, 2022 – City Council Second Reading of Housing Element Ordinances and Call for Election
- A Neighbor