New public hearings have been added to the Events page for June 29 and July 27, 2022.
Words from our neighbors.
I want to personally thank those who put forth all the time and effort to keep our neighborhood informed and updated on the rezoning. It is because of your continued efforts and direction that we succeeded in changing the course of what would have been a devastating impact on our wonderful neighborhood that we love. Thank you so much! This win was possible because of you.
- A Neighbor
To those who have done the continuous work to make this outcome possible, thank you! The tenacity you showed really paid off and this neighborhood should be very grateful. I wish I could have done more to help and hope all our neighbors appreciate your efforts. Thanks again!
- A Neighbor
We wanted to say thank you so very much for being involved and proactive with all this! We've all benefitted from your hard work, and it is very much appreciated.
- A Neighbor